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Jean-Pierre Klein Version imprimable
Director of the National Institute for Expression Creation Art and Therapy. Paris. Barcelona.
A breast tumour! It's a Crab! How to tell it to parents?
Question, questioning, quest. First, record yourself on a tape recorder ; then little by little, in a centrifuge manner, evolve from speaking to close relations to an artistic exposure of your sculpted breast, or a diversion of classical paintings featuring naked breast, to the filming by Bob Kohn, your video-artist husband, to the happening of shaving your crane from which hair went away, to then offering your bold crane as a rounded and alive to your artist friends…
"I have found my crane beautiful, it's the first part which appears to the world and which immediately hides itself under the hair…"
Marine's body has lodged the enemy? She's electing it as pretext to create a whole artwork, providing both the subject and the support. A revenge: I'm feeding you, you're feeding my artwork. Reality makes irruption in my life but I can take up this challenge of attempting to symbolize my experience, by injecting some life into it, transcending it and pulling a face at destruction, like the Greek hero who, overwhelmed by gods, rises at the centre of an antic tragedy.

Human, ironic, Marine Bureau Kohn, artist plastician, offers her Crab to the vital fight, to what concerns all of us when our mortal condition remembers itself to our omission.
She avoids all the traps: the trap of the edifying message, the trap of the tearful and miserable complaint, the trap of the liberating self-expression which doesn't care about the artwork final quality. She plays with plastic caps from all the bottled water she is obliged to drink after her chemotherapy, to turn them into the hour-glass of spreading time, she weaves others' hair to complete a tapestry, she compares her head to a coloquinte, she puts the plunging photo of her crane in a nest like an egg on which to sit.

The Ligue Against Cancer has exhibited Marine's work in City of Science of la Villette on March, 6th 2005 but it would deserve to be also known in the world of fine arts, due to the fact this artwork renews with one of life's core functions of protest.
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